NC HWA Bio-Control Forum

The 2016 NC HWA Bio-Control Forum was a great success!! Over 130 hemlock conservationist attended the forum and represented a broad spectrum of interested stakeholders. Land trusts, RC&D's, Communities, State Agencies (Cooperative Extension, NCFS, NCWRC, NC State Parks), Federal Agencies (USFS, NPS GSMNP), Universities (UNCA, ASU, NCSU, Warren Wilson College, WCU), private consultants, arborists, foresters, hemlock conservation groups, and the Hemlock Restoration Initiative attended. The strong turn-out speaks volumes about how important saving and restoring hemlocks are to each and every one of us. Thanks to all those who attended and helped plan the meeting. The entire forum was filmed and we hope to have excerpts available in the near future. In the meantime, please enjoy some pictures from the forum.